Ice cream, anyone?

Hey there! How are you? Thank you for dropping by! Would you like some Pastillas ice cream or Kesong Puti? (wink) I remember having a sort of ice cream party at pre-school for my birthday. It was a surprise and probably my first proper birthday celebration. As we all know ice cream is one of the most popular staples in any occasion. Here in the Phillipines, dirty ice cream is very popular, affordable and ideal for parties, too! But hey, it's not dirty at all! Haha! Pinoy ice cream has a wide selection of flavors. So we tried the newest from Magnolia which are Pastillas and Kesong Puti (not a paid blog). Saw some awesome photos of these yummies on IG which made crave for some. I really wanted to try the Avocado flavor but the store we went to didn't have one, sadly. Here are 2 ways on how to enjoy ice cream the Pinoy way. I hope I did justice to it. 😁 My personal favorite is the ice cream in a bun. ...